Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bubble and Squeak Meets Ethiopia

I don't eat enough cabbage.  I am usually afraid that I won't be able to eat a whole head before it turns, or I turn on it.  However, one of my favorite recipes for cabbage is bubble and squeak.  It reminds me of Tikil Gomen.  I deciced to use my homemade cold-pressed canola oil based niter kibbeh and berbere for the seasoning.  I also don't have leftovers from (seitan) roast dinners often, so I make it fresh. Also for little more sumtin sumtin I added some chopped homemade, baked tofu.  I cook mine in a 10 in cast-iron skillet.

1 head green cabbage, chopped
1 large onion, sliced
1 lb chopped carrots
4 large russet potatoes, chopped
8 oz chopped baked tofu
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 C niter kibbeh, halved
1 - 2 T berbere

Boil potatoes and carrots separately until just soft. Drain and set aside. Fry onion in half of the niter kibbeh until soft.  Add berbere. Add cabbage and cook for 10 minutes. Add garlic and tofu. Add carrots and potatoes.  Add remaining niter kibeh. Crudely mash.  Try not to turn until browned bits form.  Mix it up occasionally. Cook until the browned sections are too your liking. Adjust salt and pepper as necessary.

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